Source code for jax_dimenet.layers

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"""Jax / Haiku implementation of layers to build the DimeNet++ architecture.

The :ref:`dimenet_building_blocks` take components of
:class:`~jax_dimenet.sparse_graph.SparseDirectionalGraph` as input. Please refer
to this class for input descriptions.
import haiku as hk
from jax import nn, ops, numpy as jnp, scipy as jsp
from jax_md import util
from sympy import symbols, utilities

from jax_dimenet import dimenet_basis_util

# util
[docs]def high_precision_segment_sum(data, segment_ids, num_segments=None, out_type=util.f32, indices_are_sorted=False, unique_indices=False, bucket_size=None): """Implements the jax.ops.segment_sum, but casts input to float64 before summation and casts back to a target output type afterwards (float32 by default). Used to inprove numerical accuracy of summation. """ data = util.f64(data) seg_sum = ops.segment_sum( data, segment_ids, num_segments=num_segments, indices_are_sorted=indices_are_sorted, unique_indices=unique_indices, bucket_size=bucket_size ) return out_type(seg_sum)
# Initializers
[docs]class OrthogonalVarianceScalingInit(hk.initializers.Initializer): """Initializer scaling variance of uniform orthogonal matrix distribution. Generates a weight matrix with variance according to Glorot initialization. Based on a random (semi-)orthogonal matrix. Neural networks are expected to learn better when features are decorrelated e.g. stated by "Reducing overfitting in deep networks by decorrelating representations". The approach is adopted from the original DimeNet and the implementation is inspired by Haiku's variance scaling initializer. Attributes: scale: Variance scaling factor """
[docs] def __init__(self, scale=2.): """Constructs the OrthogonalVarianceScaling Initializer. Args: scale: Variance scaling factor """ super().__init__() self.scale = scale self._orth_init = hk.initializers.Orthogonal()
def __call__(self, shape, dtype=jnp.float32): assert len(shape) == 2 fan_in, fan_out = shape # uniformly distributed orthogonal weight matrix w_init = self._orth_init(shape, dtype) w_init *= jnp.sqrt(self.scale / (max(1., (fan_in + fan_out)) * jnp.var(w_init))) return w_init
[docs]class RBFFrequencyInitializer(hk.initializers.Initializer): """Initializer of the frequencies of the RadialBesselLayer. Initializes the frequency values to its canonical values. """ def __call__(self, shape, dtype): return jnp.pi * jnp.arange(1, shape[0] + 1, dtype=dtype)
# DimeNet++ Layers
[docs]class SmoothingEnvelope(hk.Module): """Smoothing envelope function for radial edge embeddings. Smoothing the cut-off enables twice continuous differentiability of the model output, including the potential energy. The envelope function is 1 at 0 and has a root of multiplicity of 3 at 1 as defined in DimeNet. It is applied to scaled radial edge distances d_ij / cut_off [0, 1]. The implementation corresponds to the definition in the DimeNet paper. It is different from the original implementation of DimeNet / DimeNet++ that define incorrect spherical basis layers as a result (a known issue). """
[docs] def __init__(self, p=6, name='Envelope'): """Initializes the SmoothingEnvelope layer. Args: p: Power of the smoothing polynomial name: Name of the layer """ super().__init__(name=name) self._p = p self._a = -(p + 1.) * (p + 2.) / 2. self._b = p * (p + 2.) self._c = -p * (p + 1.) / 2.
[docs] def __call__(self, distances): """Returns the envelope values.""" envelope_val = (1. + self._a * distances ** self._p + self._b * distances ** (self._p + 1.) + self._c * distances ** (self._p + 2.)) return jnp.where(distances < 1., envelope_val, 0.)
[docs]class RadialBesselLayer(hk.Module): """Radial Bessel Function (RBF) representation of pairwise distances. Attributes: freq_init: RBFFrequencyInitializer """
[docs] def __init__(self, cutoff, num_radial=16, envelope_p=6, name='BesselRadial'): """Initializes the RBF layer. Args: cutoff: Radial cut-off distance num_radial: Number of radial Bessel embedding functions envelope_p: Power of envelope polynomial name: Name of RBF layer """ super().__init__(name=name) self._inv_cutoff = 1. / cutoff self._envelope = SmoothingEnvelope(p=envelope_p) self._num_radial = [num_radial] self._rbf_scale = jnp.sqrt(2. / cutoff) self.freq_init = RBFFrequencyInitializer()
[docs] def __call__(self, distances): """Returns the RBF embeddings of edge distances.""" distances = jnp.expand_dims(distances, -1) # to broadcast to num_radial scaled_distances = distances * self._inv_cutoff envelope_vals = self._envelope(scaled_distances) frequencies = hk.get_parameter('RBF_Frequencies', shape=self._num_radial, init=self.freq_init) rbf_vals = (self._rbf_scale * jnp.sin(frequencies * scaled_distances) / distances) return envelope_vals * rbf_vals
[docs]class SphericalBesselLayer(hk.Module): """Spherical Bessel Function (SBF) representation of angular triplets."""
[docs] def __init__(self, r_cutoff, num_spherical, num_radial, envelope_p=6, name='BesselSpherical'): """Initializes the SBF layer. Args: r_cutoff: Radial cut-off num_spherical: Number of spherical Bessel embedding functions num_radial: Number of radial Bessel embedding functions envelope_p: Power of envelope polynomial name: Name of SBF layer """ super().__init__(name=name) assert num_spherical > 1 self._envelope = SmoothingEnvelope(p=envelope_p) self._inv_cutoff = 1. / r_cutoff self._num_radial = num_radial bessel_formulars = dimenet_basis_util.bessel_basis(num_spherical, num_radial) sph_harmonic_formulas = dimenet_basis_util.real_sph_harm(num_spherical) self._sph_funcs = [] self._radual_bessel_funcs = [] # convert sympy functions: modules overrides them by jax.numpy functions x = symbols('x') theta = symbols('theta') first_sph = utilities.lambdify([theta], # pyling-ignore sph_harmonic_formulas[0][0], modules=[jnp, jsp.special])(0) for i in range(num_spherical): if i == 0: self._sph_funcs.append(lambda a: jnp.zeros_like(a) + first_sph) else: self._sph_funcs.append( utilities.lambdify([theta], sph_harmonic_formulas[i][0], modules=[jnp, jsp.special]) ) for j in range(num_radial): self._radual_bessel_funcs.append( utilities.lambdify([x], bessel_formulars[i][j], modules=[jnp, jsp.special]) )
[docs] def __call__(self, pair_distances, angles, angle_mask, expand_to_kj): """Returns the SBF embeddings of angular triplets.""" # initialize distances and envelope values scaled_distances = pair_distances * self._inv_cutoff envelope_vals = self._envelope(scaled_distances) envelope_vals = jnp.expand_dims(envelope_vals, -1) # broadcast to rbf # compute radial bessel envelope for distances kj rbf = [radial_bessel(scaled_distances) for radial_bessel in self._radual_bessel_funcs] rbf = jnp.stack(rbf, axis=1) rbf_envelope = rbf * envelope_vals rbf_env_expanded = rbf_envelope[expand_to_kj] # compute spherical bessel embedding sbf = [spherical_bessel(angles) for spherical_bessel in self._sph_funcs] sbf = jnp.stack(sbf, axis=1) sbf = jnp.repeat(sbf, self._num_radial, axis=1) angle_mask = jnp.expand_dims(angle_mask, -1) sbf *= angle_mask # mask non-existing triplets return rbf_env_expanded * sbf # combine radial, spherical and envelope
[docs]class ResidualLayer(hk.Module): """Residual Layer: 2 activated Linear layers and a skip connection."""
[docs] def __init__(self, layer_size, activation=nn.swish, init_kwargs=None, name='ResLayer'): """Initializes the Residual layer. Args: layer_size: Output size of the Linear layers activation: Activation function init_kwargs: Dict of initialization kwargs for Linear layers name: Name of the Residual layer """ super().__init__(name=name) self._residual = hk.Sequential([ hk.Linear(layer_size, name='ResidualFirstLinear', **init_kwargs), activation, hk.Linear(layer_size, name='ResidualSecondLinear', **init_kwargs), activation ])
[docs] def __call__(self, inputs): """Returns the ouput of the Residual layer.""" out = inputs + self._residual(inputs) return out
[docs]class EmbeddingBlock(hk.Module): """Embeddimg block of DimeNet. Embeds edges by concatenating RBF embeddings with atom type embeddings of both connected atoms. """
[docs] def __init__(self, embed_size, n_species, type_embed_size=None, activation=nn.swish, init_kwargs=None, name='Embedding'): """Initializes an Embedding block. Args: embed_size: Size of the edge embedding. n_species: Number of different atom species the network is supposed to process. type_embed_size: Embedding size of atom type embedding. Default None results in embed_size / 2. activation: Activation function init_kwargs: Dict of initialization kwargs for Linear layers name: Name of Embedding block """ super().__init__(name=name) if type_embed_size is None: type_embed_size = int(embed_size / 2) embed_init = hk.initializers.RandomUniform(minval=-jnp.sqrt(3), maxval=jnp.sqrt(3)) self._embedding_vect = hk.get_parameter( 'Embedding_vect', [n_species, type_embed_size], init=embed_init) # unlike the original DimeNet implementation, there is no activation # and bias in RBF_Dense as shown in the network sketch. This is # consistent with other Layers processing rbf values in the network self._rbf_dense = hk.Linear(embed_size, name='RBF_Dense', with_bias=False, **init_kwargs) self._dense_after_concat = hk.Sequential( [hk.Linear(embed_size, name='Concat_Dense', **init_kwargs), activation] )
[docs] def __call__(self, rbf, species, idx_i, idx_j): """Returns output of the Embedding block.""" transformed_rbf = self._rbf_dense(rbf) type_i = species[idx_i] type_j = species[idx_j] h_i = self._embedding_vect[type_i] h_j = self._embedding_vect[type_j] edge_embedding = jnp.concatenate([h_i, h_j, transformed_rbf], axis=-1) embedded_messages = self._dense_after_concat(edge_embedding) return embedded_messages
[docs]class OutputBlock(hk.Module): """DimeNet++ Output block. Predicts per-atom quantities given RBF embeddings and messages. """
[docs] def __init__(self, embed_size, out_embed_size=None, num_dense=3, num_targets=1, activation=nn.swish, init_kwargs=None, name='Output'): """Initializes an Output block. Args: embed_size: Size of the edge embedding. out_embed_size: Output size of Linear layers after upsampling num_dense: Number of dense layers num_targets: Number of target quantities to be predicted activation: Activation function init_kwargs: Dict of initialization kwargs for Linear layers name: Name of Output block """ super().__init__(name=name) if out_embed_size is None: out_embed_size = int(2 * embed_size) self._rbf_dense = hk.Linear(embed_size, with_bias=False, name='RBF_Dense', **init_kwargs) self._upprojection = hk.Linear(out_embed_size, with_bias=False, name='Upprojection', **init_kwargs) # transform summed messages via multiple dense layers before predicting # target quantities self._dense_layers = [] for _ in range(num_dense): self._dense_layers.append(hk.Sequential([ hk.Linear(out_embed_size, with_bias=True, name='Dense_Series', **init_kwargs), activation]) ) self._dense_final = hk.Linear(num_targets, with_bias=False, name='Final_output', **init_kwargs)
[docs] def __call__(self, messages, rbf, idx_i, n_particles): """Returns predicted per-atom quantities.""" transformed_rbf = self._rbf_dense(rbf) # rbf is masked correctly and transformation only via weights # Hence rbf acts as mask messages *= transformed_rbf # sum incoming messages for each atom: becomes a per-atom quantity summed_messages = high_precision_segment_sum(messages, idx_i, num_segments=n_particles) upsampled_messages = self._upprojection(summed_messages) for dense_layer in self._dense_layers: upsampled_messages = dense_layer(upsampled_messages) per_atom_targets = self._dense_final(upsampled_messages) return per_atom_targets
[docs]class InteractionBlock(hk.Module): """DimeNet++ Interaction block. Performs directional message-passing based on RBF and SBF embeddings as well as messages from the previous message-passing iteration. Updated messages are used in the subsequent Output block. """
[docs] def __init__(self, embed_size, num_res_before_skip, num_res_after_skip, activation=nn.swish, init_kwargs=None, angle_int_embed_size=None, basis_int_embed_size=8, name='Interaction'): """Initializes an Interaction block. Args: embed_size: Size of the edge embedding. num_res_before_skip: Number of Residual blocks before skip num_res_after_skip: Number of Residual blocks after skip activation: Activation function init_kwargs: Dict of initialization kwargs for Linear layers angle_int_embed_size: Embedding size of Linear layers for down-projected triplet interation basis_int_embed_size: Embedding size of Linear layers for interation of RBS/ SBF basis name: Name of Interaction block """ super().__init__(name=name) if angle_int_embed_size is None: angle_int_embed_size = int(embed_size / 2) # directional message passing block self._rbf1 = hk.Linear(basis_int_embed_size, name='rbf1', with_bias=False, **init_kwargs) self._rbf2 = hk.Linear(embed_size, name='rbf2', with_bias=False, **init_kwargs) self._sbf1 = hk.Linear(basis_int_embed_size, name='sbf1', with_bias=False, **init_kwargs) self._sbf2 = hk.Linear(angle_int_embed_size, name='sbf2', with_bias=False, **init_kwargs) self._dense_kj = hk.Sequential([ hk.Linear(embed_size, name='Dense_kj', **init_kwargs), activation] ) self._down_projection = hk.Sequential([ hk.Linear(angle_int_embed_size, name='Downprojection', with_bias=False, **init_kwargs), activation] ) self._up_projection = hk.Sequential([ hk.Linear(embed_size, name='Upprojection', with_bias=False, **init_kwargs), activation] ) # propagation block: self._dense_ji = hk.Sequential( [hk.Linear(embed_size, name='Dense_ji', **init_kwargs), activation] ) self._res_before_skip = [] for _ in range(num_res_before_skip): self._res_before_skip.append(ResidualLayer( embed_size, activation, init_kwargs, name='ResLayerBeforeSkip') ) self._final_before_skip = hk.Sequential([hk.Linear( embed_size, name='FinalBeforeSkip', **init_kwargs), activation] ) self._res_after_skip = [] for _ in range(num_res_after_skip): self._res_after_skip.append(ResidualLayer( embed_size, activation, init_kwargs, name='ResLayerAfterSkip') )
[docs] def __call__(self, m_input, rbf, sbf, reduce_to_ji, expand_to_kj): """Returns messages after interaction via message-passing.""" m_ji_angular = self._dense_kj(m_input) # messages for expansion to k->j rbf = self._rbf1(rbf) rbf = self._rbf2(rbf) m_ji_angular *= rbf m_ji_angular = self._down_projection(m_ji_angular) m_kj = m_ji_angular[expand_to_kj] # expand to nodes k connecting to j sbf = self._sbf1(sbf) sbf = self._sbf2(sbf) # automatic mask: sbf was masked during initial computation. # Sbf1 and 2 only weights, no biases m_kj *= sbf aggregated_m_ji = high_precision_segment_sum( m_kj, reduce_to_ji, num_segments=m_input.shape[0]) propagated_messages = self._up_projection(aggregated_m_ji) # add directional messages to original ones: # afterwards only independent edge transformations. # masking is lost, but rbf masks in output layer before aggregation m_ji = self._dense_ji(m_input) m_combined = m_ji + propagated_messages for layer in self._res_before_skip: m_combined = layer(m_combined) m_combined = self._final_before_skip(m_combined) m_ji_with_skip = m_combined + m_input for layer in self._res_after_skip: m_ji_with_skip = layer(m_ji_with_skip) return m_ji_with_skip